1. From a video page in Films on Demand, click Share below the video box.
![Image of Films on Demand video page showing location of Share link](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/customers/7741/images/FoD_embed_01.jpg)
2. A Share box will pop up on the screen. Click the Embed/Link tab.
3. In the Embed/Link tab, choose a video size, and then click the Copy button next to the "Embed Code" box.
![Image of Films on Demand video Share box showing embed code](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/accounts/226771/images/FoD_embed_02.jpg)
4. The link will be automatically copied.
![Image of Films on Demand sharing page with successful "Copied" message](https://d2jv02qf7xgjwx.cloudfront.net/customers/7741/images/FoD_embed_03.jpg)